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Saturday, January 12, 2019

La Vie Aesthetics - SparkleSmile Teeth (Teeth Whitening)

Not to lie but I've always thought that I have quite a bad discoloured teeth,
due to daily coffee intake, tobacco, lots of chilli and curry, etc. & it made my teeth really..ew.
I have had braces before, imagine how I used to had a set of almost perfect teeth, but as I grow older, I really care less, & this made me smile less too.. It's was pretty sad.

Recently, La Vie Aesthetics Singapore contacted me & of course I was thrilled that I might finally be able to smile properly again!

La Vie Aesthetics is located in Orchard Gateway, what a great location for everyone to travel to.

To start off, they invited me in with a cup of water/tea.. (good service makes people happy!)
We went into the consultation room where the consultant ask me a few questions and went through what we will doing for the SparkleSmile teeth whitening treatment..

From that, I learn that the whitening gel they use are non-peroxide (gentle to the teeth) 
- other places they use gel with peroxide, that is a lot stronger, and it also harms the teeth causing it to be sensitive.
- also, it's a non-invasive treatment, with no heat/needles/drilling during the procedure, purely just gel & light, that made me feel even more comfortable. I definitely don't want to be under any pain!

They will be utilising a blue LED teeth whitening technology that activates the gel that helps whiten the teeth and remove any stains/discolourations. and I read on their site that you can experience up to 8 shades lighter in just 1 session! what??!? I'm even more excited.

After going through the process, the consultant then note down my current shade of both my upper and lower teeth for the front center and sides..

This is the shade of my teeth before the treatment: 
(the smaller the number, the lighter/whiter it is)

Hey it's not that bad in real life, it just look really bad because of the white base/background!!
Alright, moving on to the treatment... (p.s.: unglam pictures ahead!)

First up, The consultant brought me to the treatment room (it's a pretty small room).
I had to brush my teeth first to get rid of all my breakfast I had before the treatment.. (:

She then applied some vaseline on my lips just to keep them moist because I will need to wear the mouth guard (it prevents my dry lips from tearing i guess..)
Ohyes, the goggles/shades, to protect my eyes from the glaring LED light later on...
I actually love it eh.. It looks like a great accessory for a cool outfit.

Nothing fancy, it was just a normal day having a mouth guard in me mouth.. 

She then applied gum protector to prevent the whitening gel from hurting them..
(apparently there will be some chemical reaction when the blue LED comes together with the gel.. hmm.. I think. haha! ohwell, better be safe then sorry!)

squeezing out the gel on both my upper and lower teeth...

15mins under the blue LED light..

My consultant went ahead to remove the gel with a cotton bud & repeat the procedure once more..
after removing the gel > add new gel > 15mins under the LED light..

after 2 rounds, she removed the gel and the gum protector (ohyeah, when she removed the gum protector.... it was so satisfying just by watching it! I don't know how to explain..)

After the treatment, I brushed my teeth once more to get rid of any leftover gel..
I then went back into the consultation room & she 'measured' the shade of my teeth after the procedure and OH..MY..GOSH..
they all decreased! oh I meant became lighter..
My front set of teeth actually decreased by 8 shades!
I'm truly amazed..

This is the comparison side by side, it's not huge, but it's definitely an improvement in just 1 session..

Can't wait for my next session already, hopefully I will have pearly white teeth soon!

Ohyes, because the gel it's non-peroxide and does not harm your teeth (compared to the ones you get with peroxide that cause you teeth to be really sensitive), you're able to go back in a few weeks to further whiten and afterward maintenance, helps to get SparkleSmile teeth even sooner!

Thank you La Vie Aesthetics for helping me to have the confidence to smile again!
Feel free to contact them to get to know more about the SparkleSmile Teeth Treatment!

Orchard Gateway #04-08
277 Orchard Road
Singapore 238858
(Near Somerset MRT)

Contact Number:
+65 6581 4417
+65 6581 4470



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